Our Story

passion led us here written on the floor with two feet can be seen

We are a group of thinkers who dream big and doers who reach for the stars. We love to hear and create stories of every kind. Our team is a safe-house for creative and experienced event management professionals.

Whether it be your product launch, private pool party or destination wedding, we aim to leave a unicorn seal. If this sounds like your dream event, won’t you let us be part of your story?

Special Creative Services for Corporates

Social media icons

Brand / Social Media Development

Customised bags with gifts

Customised Return Gift / Mementoes

eco friendly pen holder

Eco-Friendly Practices / Gifts / Tags

Decorated pillar

Office Space Redo / Photo Booth

CSR written inside tree inside heart shape

CSR / Employee Engagement Ideas

Conference hall

Theme-Based Workshops / Seminars

Our Events

Contact us

We want to hear from you

We view ourselves as relational. If you prefer to talk to a real live person, please pick up the phone and give us a call.

+91 8304 095993
+91 9745 608742
+91 9400 478399
email: info[at]anantaproductions.com

Have any questions?

Please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.